Our Church Builders is our Sunday church group for those aged 3 and up. Part way through our church service, our young people head to the Carswell where we learn all about stories from the bible and what that means for us today. Using crafts, drama, videos, and games we learn all about the miracles Jesus did, to what God is like.

Church Builders

EPYC is our weekly youth group for young people in P6-S6. There is loads for our young people to do from playing the Xbox or Table Tennis in the youth hub, or one of our many card and board games in the hub.
We also like to play team games in the Laird Hall, with lots of running around and excitement. We gather as a whole group every session for hot chocolate and snacks, before we discuss questions surrounding Christianity, the church, the bible, and faith. We even like to have special nights like a Mario Kart Tournament or a Water fight and Movie Night
EPYC runs on a Sunday Night from 7-8.30pm in the Carswell Centre. We would love to have you come along and join us.


Our Church is a place where children are seen and heard, and this is shown with our Kids Corner. The Kids Corner is a space where children can come and be themselves during a service making use of the various toys and soft play furnishings, or some of our books and colouring in supplies, the Kids Corner is the perfect place for children to be seen and heard during our service
Kids' Corner
We are so glad to have had so many opportunities for young people and families over this festive period!

Swap Shop
We were so glad to host our first Swap Shop for Childrens clothes and toys just before December. This event was a chance for people to bring in preloved clothes and toys and exchange them for tokens that could be used at the later event to swap with some new items, revamping wardrobes and toy chests
With tea coffee, and home baking available it was a great chance to see the community come together!
Christmas 2023
Afternoon Tea with Santa
Another Family event we were so pleased to run was our Afternoon Tea with Santa. I was lovely to see Families joining us for sweet treats and teas and coffees, while also having a chance to meet Santa too!
Church Decoration
We are so glad to see the fingerprints of young people in our church and this Christmas it has been great to have the young people come together to make decorations for our church. From our BB company and Guides, to our messy church families and EPYC, we are glad to be able to bring young people together and be seen in the church

Each year we enjoy young people gathering every morning for a week to enjoy a Summer Holiday Club with games, songs, crafts, and bible stories!
Holiday Clubs
2022 – Jungle Adventure
The first year back after Covid was such a huge success and was so incredible to see young people returning to join for our annual holiday club! Learning all about Jesus and the adventure that is his life and how we can get to know him! With help from Sir Walter Falls guiding us through the stories with various images and demonstrations, and loads of crafts, games, and laughter.

2023 – Pyramid Rock
This year we had our incredible Pyramid Rock Holiday Club. Throughout the week children joined us for fulfilled days of crafts, games, songs, and more! Gathering as a group at the potty pyramid we had Captain Ketchup bring us the daily news about the story of Joseph and how he trusted in Gods grace. After some singing, and dancing, we would go into our groups to make crafts, play games, and delve deeper into the story we had just learned. The planning for next years holiday club is already underway so keep an eye out for when its announced!

Keep and eye on this space for information on our next holiday club from the theme, dates, and the registration information.