Mrs. Sheila Lamont
Mr. Alan Gillon
Mrs Margeret Milligan
Mr. Ronnie McIntyre
Mr Bill Condie
Ms. Anne Carr
The Carswell Centre
Montgomery Street
G76 0AS
Tel 01355 302087
Open Tuesday and Friday 9.30 a.m.- 11.30a.m.
Mr. Stuart McGill
Mr. Jim Alexander

Youth Worker and Sunday School Superintendent
Contact Murdo
Meet Murdo McTear
Hi I’m Murdo McTear, Children and Youth worker here at Eaglesham Parish.
Youth work and sharing the gospel with young people has been a passion since leaving School. While I explored a career in engineering, I quickly realised my calling was to study theology and youth work. Studying at NTC I graduated with a degree in Theology (youth and community) in 2021 and later graduated with a masters in Theology (community development and social change) in 2023. Throughout all my studies I have consistently worked as a youth worker in church contexts getting to know young people and supporting them.
While not working I love sharing a cup of tea while playing board games and video games. I also love music, playing folk and ceilidh music, and crocheting in my spare time.
Music and Worship
Contact Wendy
Wendy Armstrong
Our Music and Worship Team aims to assist and support our minister Rev Jade Ableitner, our organist Alan Gillon, and Murdo McTear our Youth Worker, as they ably provide music and worship for our congregation.
To do this we have the following in place:
Regular meetings of the Team
Discussions about all of our services, considering how we can further develop what we do
Arranging for support for our Minister in terms of a prayer and Bible Reading Rota for our 11.00am Sunday Morning Services
Unitising the three accredited Worship Leaders in our congregationConsidering how we might better involve a wide range of people taking part in services
Managing our tech team re recording and streaming servicesOffering a streaming/recording service for those having weddings or funerals in the church

Messy Church
Contact Kirsty
Kirsty Clark
Kirsty runs a Messy Church for Eaglesham Parish on a Friday afternoon/evening normally around the end of the month.
It’s church for families to come together in a warm, welcoming environment. All ages are welcome.
We run crafts for parents and children to do together, then there will be time to worship God before everyone shares some delicious food.

The purpose of this Committee is to assist the Minister and elders in caring for people in the congregation and also in the parish, and seeks opportunities to bring members of the congregation and community together.
The remit encompasses the following activities :-

Pastoral Care AND Fellowship
Scott Whiteford
Kay Brown
Flowers are distributed to members of the community after each Sunday Service, at Christmas and at Harvest Thanksgiving.
The Carswell Foodbank is situated at the Carswell Halls and volunteers collect food donations on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11.00 to 12.00. These are then distributed to some essential charities both locally and within the greater Glasgow area.
A walking group meets twice monthly for exercise and social interaction, with a varied range of walks and destinations tailored to members capabilities.
There is a significant elderly population in the Parish – many actively involved in Church and other community activities. Some parishioners live in nearby residential homes out with the Parish and retain an interest in the life of the village. They are visited regularly by the Minister, by Elders and by members of the Pastoral Care Team. The group includes the Church’s safeguarding co-ordinator.
The Kirk Carers exist to organise and provide lifts for those who require transportation to hospital or other essential appointments.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided after the Sunday Services in the Carswell Centre organised and staffed by members
Pastoral Care/Fellowship
Church flowers
Harvest and Christmas Gifts
Carswell Foodbank
Walking Group
Elders' Pastoral Visiting
Kirk Carers
After church teas and coffees
Our Location
Eaglesham Parish Church
Montgomery Street
G76 0AR
Office Hours
Tues & Fri: 10am-12 Noon