Our Kids Corner is available for our young people throughout the service right through summer. Everyone welcome to join
Churchbuilders, our Sunday morning group for primary-aged children. Please join us. All welcome.
EPYC (our Youth Group for P6-S6) has started each Sunday between 7-8.30pm. For more information, please speak to Murdo or email him at epcyouthworker@gmail.com
Our Latest Parish News is available through the linked button below.
Church Carers
If you have a hospital or doctors appointment and unable to take public transport, please contact John / Fay Lyons or you can contact the Pastoral Care Team via pastoralcare@eagleshparishchurch.co.uk.
Our Thanks
The flowers in church this week are kindly donated by Vicky Steven

Hall Lets
If you are interested in booking one of our halls, please contact Paula Bennett (Halls Convenor) for more information or email

The timings of Churchbuilders changed on 20th of October!
Churchbuilders will start in the Carswell at 11 am and the young people will return to the church at the end of the service. If you have any questions please speak to Murdo for more details, or email: epcyouthworker@gmail.com
Alpha Course
Our 6-week ALPHA Course runs for further 3 weeks on Sunday evenings from 5-7pm with dinner in the Carswell Centre. The next session is on, Sunday 16th Februart; then on 23rd February and 2nd March. Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited. To sign up for ALPHA please email: office@eagleshamparishchurch.co.uk.

The Guild
The Guild - a change to the printed syllabus for 19th February.
‘Hame Brew’ will be performing for us instead of the Renfrew Ladies Choir. An evening of music and song awaits in Carswell Centre at 7:30pm. All are Welcome
Bridge Drive
Are you a Bridge player? We are holding a Bridge Drive in aid of Church funds on Friday afternoon, 14th March, in the Carswell Centre for at 1pm for 1.30pm start. There will be a welcome drink, a nice afternoon tea served at the interval and, of course, prizes! If you would like to know more, and to book your table, please speak to Anne Carr
Men's Curry Evening
Monday, 17th February - A visit to a local restaurant. If you would like to join us, contact Duncan MacIntyre
Mary's Meals
Mary’s Meals lunch this month is on Wednesday 19th February. Join us in the Carswell Centre from 12 noon for good food and good company in support of an excellent charity.

Charity Coffee Morning
The Guild’s Charity Coffee Morning is on Saturday 22nd February from 10am to 12 noon in the Carswell Centre; and tickets (£3 each) are now on sale from Guild members. All are welcome to come and enjoy our Tearoom and Stalls.

Helping Hands
Helping Hands are looking for good quality, unwanted clothing for our pop-up shop at Mearns Kirk Halls on 8th March from 10am until 2pm. Handbags and scarves will also be gratefully accepted. Pick-up can be arranged by contacting Sandy McIlwham ; or you can drop-off at the halls on Thursdays between 10am and 4pm.

Music in the Mearns
‘Music in the Mearns’ is on this afternoon (16th February) in Newton Mearns Parish Church, £10 per ticket. (“Sophia brings her unique blend of classical mastery and contemporary artistry “)