Our Kids Corner is available for our young people throughout the service right through summer. Everyone welcome to join
Churchbuilders, our Sunday morning group for primary-aged children. Please join us. All welcome.

EPYC (our Youth Group for P6-S6) has started each Sunday between 7-8.30pm. For more information, please speak to Murdo or email him at epcyouthworker@gmail.com

Our Latest Parish News is available through the linked button below.
gray 3-door hatchback on road
gray 3-door hatchback on road
Church Carers

If you have a hospital or doctors appointment and unable to take public transport, please contact John / Fay Lyons or you can contact the Pastoral Care Team via pastoralcare@eagleshparishchurch.co.uk.

red tulips on white printer paper
red tulips on white printer paper
Our Thanks

The flowers in church this week are kindly donated by Chris Ide

Orders of Service
Holiday Club

The Great Glen Green Welly Garden Show HOLIDAY CLUB is fast approaching and registrations are now open! The club will be running from 10am-12pm from Monday 5th - Friday 9th August. To register, find the link to our form on our Facebook Page or Website. If you would like any more information please email Murdo at: epcyouthworker@gmail.com

People's Choice Hymns

You can write down three of your favourite hymns on the slips of paper available (if possible giving both the number and title). Please then hand them in at the door as you leave; or return them to us next Sunday at the 9.30 service or at the Kairos service - or you can return them to the Church Office. We look forward to seeing and singing some of your favourite hymns. Thank you.

Summer Schedule

During the summer months, Jade will not be doing Vestry hours in the Carswell Centre on Tuesday and Friday mornings (ie, from Friday 28th June until Tuesday 3rd August).

Sunday services in July and August will be at 10am each week in church. Please note that there will be no Kairos services in the Carswell Centre in July and August.

red and blue plastic bottle
red and blue plastic bottle
Auction of Talents in August

We are going to hold a fundraising Auction of Talents in the Carswell Centre this coming August (afternoon of 17th). Full details will be published shortly but in the interim we require a commitment from individuals or businesses to offer items to be auctioned off on the day.

The talents or services can range from hanging baskets, computer training, ironing services, musical lessons, offer of holiday accommodation but these are only examples. There are limitless items or services which can be auctioned.

Please, we need your help in making this event successful, and as we will need to compile an auction brochure in advance could you advise Tom Mann or Ian Lightbody as soon as possible. This will be a fun community event so please give this request serious consideration and respond accordingly.

Jade will be on annual leave from Wednesday 10th July, returning to work on Tuesday 23rd July. In Jade’s absence, for any urgent pastoral care matters, please contact Sheila Lamont, Session Clerk - email, sessionclerk@eagleshamparishchurch.co.uk. Thank you.

people walking on dirt road near mountain during daytime
people walking on dirt road near mountain during daytime
Walking Group

On Wednesday 24th July it is planned to walk up the Gasy Brae, at a slow pace, past the Picketlaw and out to the Golf Club for coffee. Those who do not feel like walking can join the walkers at the Club House for coffee and a chat or at the top of the Village for a shorter walk. We leave Mid Road at 10am and everyone is very welcome.

Tea and Chat

The next Summer Tea and Chat will be held on Wednesday 7th August in the Carswell Centre from 2pm-4pm. Come along and bring a friend or two for a catch up over a nice cup of tea, coffee and biscuits. All Are Welcome.