Our Kids Corner is available for our young people throughout the service right through summer. Everyone welcome to join
Churchbuilders, our Sunday morning group for primary-aged children. Please join us. All welcome.
EPYC (our Youth Group for P6-S6) has started each Sunday between 7-8.30pm. For more information, please speak to Murdo or email him at epcyouthworker@gmail.com
Our Latest Parish News is available through the linked button below.
Church Carers
If you have a hospital or doctors appointment and unable to take public transport, please contact John / Fay Lyons or you can contact the Pastoral Care Team via pastoralcare@eagleshparishchurch.co.uk.
Our Thanks
The flowers in church this week are kindly donated by Libby Murphy

Hall Lets
If you are interested in booking one of our halls, please contact Paula Bennett (Halls Convenor) for more information or email

The timings of Churchbuilders changed on 20th of October!
Churchbuilders will start in the Carswell at 11 am and the young people will return to the church at the end of the service. If you have any questions please speak to Murdo for more details, or email: epcyouthworker@gmail.com
Walking Group
On Wednesday 26th March, before we walk to Bothwell Castle, we shall stop for refreshments at the Chapterhouse Café in Bothwell. It offers lovely home baking. The walk is not long and is on pavements and on grass around the castle. As usual we leave Mid Road at 10 am and all are welcome.
House Groups
Our House Groups are running again during Lent, using studies called ‘Holy Habits: Following Jesus’. Groups are held at various times and venues, so for more information please contact either Duncan McIntyre, or Gillian Norval

Messy Church
Our next Messy Church is taking place on Friday 28th March from 4.30pm to 6.30pm in the Carswell Centre. Please contact Kirsty Clark - ASAP to book your place; then come along to get together with other families for some crafts, bible stories and delicious food.

The Guild
On our last meeting for this session, on Wednesday 26th March at 7:30pm in the Carswell Centre, we will be joined by Eaglesham and Waterfoot Community Choir - bringing a varied and enthusiastic programme of songs for our entertainment. It is always a pleasure and not to be missed. All are Welcome.
Community Choir
Eaglesham and Waterfoot Community Choir’s Annual Charity Concert - is on Wednesday 2nd April at 7pm in Church; then afterwards at the Carswell Centre for refreshments. The chosen charities this time are: Downs Symdrome Scotland, Maggie’s Centres, Macmillan Cancer Support and The Kilbryde Hospice. Please come and enjoy a mix of music and genres; as well as some audience ‘singalong’! Tickets are £5, and can be bought at the Movie Café in advance or at the door on the night.
Online Retreat
‘Fruits of the Spirit’. ‘Fruits of the Spirit is an Online Retreat for the 40 Days of Lent, based on the Jubilee 2025 theme: “Pilgrims of Hope” Here is the link: www.onlineprayer.net/fruits-of-the-spirit You can also order books from ISC: www.iscglasgow.co.uk
Eaglesham and Waterfoot Community Choir
Eaglesham and Waterfoot Community Choir’s Annual Charity Concert - is on Wednesday 2nd April at 7pm in Church; then afterwards at the Carswell Centre for refreshments. The chosen charities this time are: Downs Symdrome Scotland, Maggie’s Centres, Macmillan Cancer Support and The Kilbryde Hospice. Please come and enjoy a mix of music and genres; as well as some audience ‘singalong’! Tickets are £5, and can be bought at the Movie Café in advance or at the door on the night.
Tea and Chat
The summer Tea and Chats will resume on Wednesday 7th May 2pm - 4pm and then the first Wednesday of each month up to September. All are Welcome
Items for inclusion in the next issue should be sent to Duncan MacIntyre by Friday March 28th.

Summer Holiday Club
Planning is already underway for this year's Summer Holiday Club, and we need YOU to help our backpackers on their journey! It will run from 10am - 12 noon on the 4th - 8th August! Whether you can pilot some games, navigate a craft station, or be a friendly tour guide, we'd love to have you on board! If you can’t commit to the whole week, any time you can give is truly appreciated! If you are keen to join us on this journey or have any questions please email Murdo at epcyouthworker@gmail.com to find out more!"
Community Transport
East Renfrewshire Community Transport. This scheme arranges for volunteer drivers to take folk with transport problems to hospital appointments. They are looking for more drivers. The commitment is entirely flexible. If you might be interested in helping ask Duncan MacIntyre about it.
Kilt Walk
The Glasgow KiltWalk - Scotland’s largest mass walking event - takes place over 26th and 27th April to raise funds for the Sailors’ Society. The choices of distances to cover range from a ‘3 Mile Wee Wander’ to a ‘22 Mile Mighty Stride’. Families are welcome. Details of the event can be viewed on https://thekiltwalk.co.uk/events/glasgow
LHM Easter Egg Appeal
Eaglesham Parish Church would again like to support the Lodging House Mission (LHM) annual Easter Egg Appeal. The LHM are seeking donations of Easter Eggs for Lent. The Mission provides food and respite for homeless people and wish to advertise this with gifts of Easter Eggs to those in need. If you are able to donate to this worthy cause can you please bring the Easter Egg(s) to the Carswell Foodbank on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 11.00 - 12.00 up until Tuesday 8th April. Or you can deliver them to the Church vestibule on any Sunday up to 6th April.