Our Kids Corner is available for our young people throughout the service right through summer. Everyone welcome to join
Churchbuilders, our Sunday morning group for primary-aged children. Please join us. All welcome.
EPYC (our Youth Group for P6-S6) has started each Sunday between 7-8.30pm. For more information, please speak to Murdo or email him at epcyouthworker@gmail.com
Your copy for the next Parish News should be forwarded to Duncan by Friday 6th December. As ever, reports, comments, photos all welcome.
Our Latest Parish News is available through the linked button below.
Church Carers
If you have a hospital or doctors appointment and unable to take public transport, please contact John / Fay Lyons or you can contact the Pastoral Care Team via pastoralcare@eagleshparishchurch.co.uk.
Our Thanks
The flowers in church this week are kindly donated by Ian & Liz MacLachlan
Church Services
As a result of our last Session Meeting, it has been decided that all our services from now on will be in Church at 11.00am. This means that there will be no early service, or two services, on the third Sunday in the month.
Hall Lets
If you are interested in booking one of our halls, please contact Paula Bennett (Halls Convenor) for more information or email
Ladies Sensible Shoes Book Club
Our Ladies Sensible Shoes Book Club re-launched on Thursday 10th October, 7-8pm, in the upper room of the Carswell Centre. The meetings will take place once a month at the same time and place and we will be embarking on the 3rd book of the series entitled 'Barefoot: A story of surrendering to God.' With a Christmas ladies dinner on the cards and a retreat day with the author next year, this is the time to join the group (even if you haven't read the previous books!). Grab a copy of the book and join us for a blether on the first two chapters. For any further information contact Rev Jade on jade.ableitner@churchofscotland.org.uk
Our Church Choir
Our Church Choir would love to have some new members. If you love to sing and would enjoy singing with friends, please speak to our Organist, Alan Gillon . We are a friendly bunch who meet on a Thursday evening to practice. Be assured, you don’t have to be able to read music.
The Guild
The Guild will welcome Maureen Keith to demonstrate beautiful Christmas Floral arranging on Wednesday 4th December at 7:30pm in Carswell Centre. Also we will have a few items to sell for the benefit of our members who may have missed out on the Christmas Cracker Coffee Morning because of the heavy fall of snow last Saturday morning. Come in and grab a bargain. All are Welcome.
The timings of Churchbuilders changed on 20th of October!
Churchbuilders will start in the Carswell at 11 am and the young people will return to the church at the end of the service. If you have any questions please speak to Murdo for more details, or email: epcyouthworker@gmail.com
Christmas Carols
Alan Gillon will perform an Organ Recital in Cathcart Church on Friday 13th December after Carol Singing from 7pm, when The Bookends Theatre Group presents a radio play version of Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. Tickets £5 available at the door.
Christmas Craft Volunteers
We are looking for helpers for the Children's Christmas Craft Day on Sunday 8th December from 1-4pm, as well as home baking for the event. This is aimed at Primary School-aged kids. If you are able to assist in any way, or would like more information about attending the event please contact Anna Blair. The Christmas Craft Day is in aid of the Youth Fund and any donations on the day will be gratefully appreciated
Walking Nativity Play
We are delighted to say that our much loved Walking Nativity Play will once again take place on Christmas Eve. As in previous years we will join together in the Carswell Centre for a warming refreshment after the event and if you feel you could assist with the catering please contact Doug Lamont. We would also welcome donations of mulled wine and mince pies which can be brought to church or handed to any member of the Outreach Team. Many thanks.
Music in the Mearns
Christmas Concert is on Sunday 8th December at 3pm at Newton Mearns Parish Church; and welcomes the principal flautist of Dublin’s RTE Concert Orchestra. An afternoon of pure artistry awaits.
A Time to Remember
As Christmas approaches, it can be a difficult time for those of us who have lost someone they love. For this reason we are holding a short service called, ‘A Time to Remember’ on Sunday, 15th December at 3.00pm in the Upper Hall of the Carswell Centre. There will be readings, music and prayers to express our loss and also our thanksgiving. Refreshments will be available after the service. Please let us know if you are coming along, but this is not a requirement. The Church Office can be advised by telephone or email (office@eagleshamparishchurch.co.uk). All are welcome.
Ecumenical Advent Service
Friends of the Holy Land Ecumenical Advent Service on Saturday 7th December starts at 2.30pm in Saint Andrew’s Metropolitan Cathedral on Clyde Street, Glasgow G1 4ER. Glasgow joins with Bethlehem in a service of hope found in Jesus. Afterwards there is a reception, supported by the Lord Provost’s Office in the Eyre Hall. The service is free to attend and walk-ins are welcome on the day. However, to assist with catering, please register at:www.friendsoftheholyland.org/Glasgow-service2024
Messy Church
Our next Messy Church is on Friday 6th December at 4.30pm to 6.30pm in the Carswell Centre. Please email kirsty_clark@outlook.com ASAP to book your place; then come along to get together with other families for some crafts, bible stories and delicious food.
Pop-up Nativity & Gift Service
Our Pop-up Nativity and Gift Service is on Sunday 15th December in church.
We would appreciate gifts from you for children of all ages as well as teenagers (who are often overlooked). It is helpful if the gifts are unwrapped or in gift bags to help East Renfrewshire Council Children and Families Social Work Department gift them on appropriately. (Some ideas for teenagers are gift vouchers, fluffy socks, fluffy blankets, sweets, pyjamas, nice toiletries.) Thanks everyone!